I've been subjected to many medical tests and procedures in recent years, but nothing quite like yesterday, bouncing from one Northwestern med tech to the next. The tests included:
Pulmonary function, EKG, heart and vein ultrasound, chest x-ray, 14 vials of blood and peeing in a cup. I got to skip the MRI scan because I just did one a week earlier in Minneapolis.
Since I'm generally healthy except for MS, I expect that I passed everything just fine. But danged if I still don't know how to tie a hospital gown shut. I personally don't care who sees my backside, but may need to pick up some duct tape later to avoid being banned from the hospital.
After I got my street clothes back on, the final lab rat test of the day was optional and self-imposed. Rather than hail a cab, I rolled my wheelchair around the Northwestern campus, along Lakeshore Drive and back to the hotel. It was a pretty decent arm and ab workout, and somewhat enjoyable to get out on a 50-degree December day. My phone gps said I went a little over a mile. Maybe not impressive, until one considers that the streetward slope of Chicago sidewalks requires braking with one arm and pushing forward with the other to avoid rolling out in front of auto and bus traffic. It was inefficiency in motion, but I made it. Now thinking about ordering a Gino's East deep dish pizza.
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